Are We Down Hearted Lyrics
Are we downhearted? No! No! No!
Are we downhearted? No! No! No!
Troubles may come and troubles may go,
We trust in Jesus, come weal or woe,
Are we downhearted? No! No! No!
Are We Down Hearted Hymn Story
“Are We Down Hearted” is a popular Christian children’s song that was composed by Robert Harkness. It was first published in 1914.
He composed many songs and some of his most well-known include “Is He Yours?” “No Burdens Yonder,” “He Will Hold Me Fast,” “Christ Needs You,” “Bearing the Cross,” “Shadows,” “Oh, What a Change,” “Does Jesus Care?” “The Crown of Thorns,” “The Joy Awaiting,” etc.
Below is his response when he was asked how he wrote his hymns:
“How do I write them? Why, I write them when I’ve got them, and when I haven’t got them I don’t write. You can’t write what you haven’t got, you know. Of course, my work varies. Perhaps I will write the music to thirty hymns in one day, then again I may not write but one a month. It depends upon the inspiration. I get my inspiration from incidents. When at the piano at an evangelistic service I keep a note-book and pencil handy, and as the service proceeds some suggestion for a hymn may come to me, possibly several suggestions. These I jot down for reference later. Perhaps in these there is the suggestion for the melody to a hymn. I get a melody in my mind and then I sit down to the piano and play it; if it pleases me I write it down and examine it afterwards.”