Footprints Of Jesus Lyrics
Footprints of Jesus, leading the way,
Footprints of Jesus, by night and by day;
Sure if I follow, life will be sweet!
Saved by the prints of His wounded feet.
1 They led to Bethany, there’s where He stayed;
They led to Gethsemane there’s where He prayed;
They led to Calvary, salvation complete,
Saved by the prints of His wounded feet. [Refrain]
2 Once I was lost and He heard my cry;
He left His Father’s mansion on high;
He took my burden, and now I can sing
“Glory to God, I’m a child of the King.” [Refrain]
3 Daniel saw in Him a great rolling stone;
Isaiah saw Him tread the winepress alone;
If we some day our dear Savior would meet,
Follow the prints of His wounded feet. [Refrain]
4 That’s how I know Him, that’s why I say,
Jesus is leading me, all the way;
I shall reach Heaven’s portals so sweet,
Led by the prints of His wounded feet. [Refrain]
Footprints Of Jesus Hymn Story
“Footprints of Jesus” is a Christian hymn that was composed by Lucie Eddie Campbell. Campbell was born on 30th April 1885 in Mississippi. She was one of nine children born to parents who were slaves.
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