He Lives! the Great Redeemer Lives! Lyrics
1 He lives, the great Redeemer lives,
What joy the blest assurance gives!
And now, before His Father, God,
Pleads the full merits of His blood.
2 Repeated crimes awake our fears,
And Justice armed with frowns appears;
But in the Savior’s lovely face
Sweet Mercy smiles, and all is peace.
3 Hence, then, ye black, despairing thoughts;
Above our fears, above our faults,
His mighty intercessions rise,
And guilt recedes, and terror dies.
4 In every dark, distressful hour,
When sin and Satan join their power,
Let this dear hope repel the dart,
That Jesus bears us on His heart.
5 Great Advocate, almighty Friend!
On Him our humble hopes depend;
Our cause can never, never fail,
For Jesus pleads, and must prevail.
He Lives! the Great Redeemer Lives! Hymn Story
He Lives! the Great Redeemer Lives! is a hymn that was composed by Anne Steele. Anne Steele was born in 1716 and passed away in 1778.
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