The Pity of the Lord Lyrics, Story, and Video

The Pity of the Lord Lyrics

1 The pity of the Lord,
To those that fear his name,
Is such as tender parents feel;
He knows our feeble frame.

2 He knows we are but dust,
Scattered with every breath;
His anger, like a rising wind,
Can send us swift to death.

3 Our days are like the grass
Or like the morning flower,
If one sharp blast sweep o’er the field,
It withers in an hour.

4 But thy compassions, Lord,
To endless years endure;
And children’s children ever find
Thy word of promise sure.

The Pity of the Lord Hymn Story

The Pity of the Lord is yet another beautiful hymn from the pen of Isaac Watts.

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The Pity of the Lord Hymn Video

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