Be Not Dismayed Whate’er Betide, God Will Take Care of You Hymn – C. D. Martin

Be Not Dismayed Whate’er Betide, God Will Take Care of You Lyrics

Below are the Lyrics of this song, God Will Take Care of You.

Be not dismayed whate’er betide,
God will take care of you;
Beneath His wings of love abide,
God will take care of you.

God will take care of you,
Through every day, o’er all the way;
He will take care of you,
God will take care of you.

Through days of toil when heart doth fail,
God will take care of you;
When dangers fierce your path assail,
God will take care of you.

All you may need He will provide,
God will take care of you;
Nothing you ask will be denied,
God will take care of you.

No matter what may be the test,
God will take care of you;
Lean, weary one, upon His breast,
God will take care of you.

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Be Not Dismayed Whate’er Betide, God Will Take Care of You Story

Be not dismayed whate’er betide, God will take care of you is one of my favorite hymns and I believe that that is true of millions of other Christians as well.

A BLIND man was seen crossing the street at a dangerous place in the Bronx, New York city. A friend nearby overheard him singing softly, “God will take care of you,” and asked, “Why are you singing that hymn?”

He replied: “Because I must cross this dangerous street, and maybe one of the many wagons might strike me and I might get killed.

But the thought came to me that, even if it did occur, my soul would go straight to God.

And if he led me across all right, it would be just another evidence of his care of me.

So, I could not help singing to myself, God will take care of you. Hallelujah!”

A little Sunday school girl once told her mother she was never afraid to pass through a certain dark hallway leading to their home, “because,” she explained, “I simply sing, God will take care of you, and I always come through safely.”

This hymn was sung at each session of the State Christian Endeavor Convention, Altoona, Pennsylvania, in 1910.

At the close of one of the sessions a man, touched by the song, inquired after salvation.

A little later some delegates, while singing this song at their hotel, noticed several men at the door of a nearby barroom attracted by the singing.

One had a glass of beer in his hand, which he quietly poured into the gutter leading to the street before the strains of the song were finished.

Be Not Dismayed Whate’er Betide, God Will Take Care of You Video

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