Golden Harps Are Sounding Hymn Story and Lyrics – Frances Ridley Havergal, 1836-1879

Golden Harps Are Sounding Lyrics

1 Golden harps are sounding, angel voices ring,
pearly gates are opened, opened for the King:
Christ, the King of glory, Jesus, King of love,
is gone up in triumph to his throne above.

All his work is ended, joyfully we sing:
Jesus hath ascended: glory to our King!

2 He who came to save us, he who bled and died,
now is crowned with glory at his Father’s side.
Nevermore to suffer, never more to die,
Jesus, King of glory, is gone up on high. [Refrain]

3 Praying for his children in that blessed place,
calling them to glory, sending them his grace;
his bright home preparing, faithful ones for you;
Jesus ever liveth, ever loveth too. [Refrain]

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Golden Harps Are Sounding Hymn Story

Miss FRANCES RIDLEY HAVERGAL was the daughter of a clergyman of the Church of England, the Rev. W. H. Havergal.

He was both musician and hymn-writer; and his gifted daughter, consecrating her life and her talents to the Master, wrote many helpful hymns, setting some of them to her own music, as is illustrated by the hymn, “Golden harps are sounding.”

Miss Anne Steele, who lived and wrote some of the best hymns in the eighteenth century, frequently signed her hymns with the name “Theodosia.”

Miss Havergal has been compared with Miss Steele and is sometimes styled “the Theodosia of the nineteenth century,” so influential has her life proved to be through her hymns as well as through her many other good works.

The Havergal manuscripts contain the following account of the writing of this hymn: “When visiting at Parry Barr,” Miss Havergal “walked to the boys’ schoolroom, and being very tired she leaned against the playground wall while Mr. Snepp went in.

Returning in ten minutes, he found her scribbling on an old envelope.

At his request she gave him the hymn just penciled, Golden harps are sounding. Her popular tune, Hennas, was composed for this hymn.”

At the age of forty-two, she died at Caswell Bay, Swansea. But shortly before she passed away, closing a life of rare usefulness in the salvation of many souls, she gathered up her strength and sang :

“Golden harps are sounding,
Angel voices ring,
Pearly gates are opened . . .”

Francis Ridley Havergal - Golden harps are sounding hymn
Francis Ridley Havergal

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Golden Harps Are Sounding YouTube Video

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