Nothing But the Blood of Jesus Hymn Story and Lyrics

Nothing But the Blood of Jesus Hymn Lyrics

Below are the lyrics of this beautiful hymn, Nothing But The Blood of Jesus.

What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

For my pardon, this I see,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
For my cleansing this my plea,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Nothing can for sin atone,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
Naught of good that I have done,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

This is all my hope and peace,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
This is all my righteousness,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Now by this I’ll overcome—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
Now by this I’ll reach my home—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Glory! Glory! This I sing—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus,
All my praise for this I bring—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

For more hymns and hymns stories and histories visit, Popular and Old Hymns History.

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Who Wrote Nothing but The Blood of Jesus Hymn?

This sweet hymn is the fruit of the labor of Robert Lowry. He published this hymn in 1876.

The original first line was, what can wash away my stain.

Robert Lowry was an American professor of literature, a Baptist minister and composer of many gospel hymns such as Shall We Gather at the River.

He was born on March 12, 1826, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States and died on November 25, 1899, at Plainfield, New Jersey, United States.

This song was popularized by the famous Christian musician and author, Ira D Sankey.

He introduced it at a camp meeting in Ocean Grove, New Jersey and was immediately loved by the audience.

From there it just took off and became one of the most loved hymns in most churches to this day.

Robert Lowry - Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Robert Lowry

Nothing But the Blood of Jesus Hymn Video

Below is a video of this hymn Nothing but the Blood of Jesus performed at one of the Gaither Music Homecoming concerts.

It features Buddy Greene and the scores of other well-known gospel musicians.

YouTube video

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