No Tears in Heaven Song Story and Lyrics – Robert S Arnold

No Tears in Heaven Lyrics

Hymn writer: Robert S Arnold

  1. No tears in heaven, no sorrows given.
    All will be glory in that land;
    There’ll be no sadness, all will be gladness,
    When we shall join that happy band.


No tears (in heaven fair)
No tears, no tears up there,
Sorrow and pain will all have flown;
No tears (in heaven fair)
No tears, no tears up there;
No tears in heaven will be known.

  1. Glory is waiting, waiting up yonder,
    Where we shall spend an endless day;
    Therewith our Savior, we’ll be forever,
    Where no more sorrow can dismay.


  1. Some morning yonder, we’ll cease to ponder
    O’er things this life has brought to view;
    All will be clearer, loved ones be dearer
    In heav’n where all will be made new.


No Tears in Heaven Hymn Story

Today I just wanted to share this song that I first heard some twenty-five years or so ago. Skeeter Davis sung it.

The composer of this song is Robert Sterling Arnold. Robert S Arnold was born in Coleman Texas in 1905. He passed away in 2003.

He was a member of several quartets during his lifetime and composed several songs.

The songs that he composed included, Did You Repent, Fully Repent? Have You Thought, Really Thought? If I Could But Just Take One Soul To Heaven, and I Wanta Get Right. No Tears in Heaven, written in 1935, is his best-known song.

It has however been a song that has comforted me and millions of Christians during times of trial. There is no better news than to know that there will be no tears in heaven.

The thought or idea that someday there will be no sorrow should be the best message ever shared. There is no greater enemy to man than death.

Death immediately forces us to consider if there is a purpose to life. Are we here because of evolution and only allocated seventy or so years before we depart, the stage never to be heard of again, or were we created?

These are questions that we all are confronted with at some point in life.

Robert Sterling Arnold - N tears in heaven hymn
Robert S Arnold

If we are the result of evolution then there is no major purpose to life, to be honest. We have no hope at all.

For Christians, the idea of the resurrection is what gives us hope and purpose on earth.

I can identify with the apostle Paul when he says in I Corinthians 15 that, “For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: 17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. 18Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. 19If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable”

It is the hope of resurrection that gives us hope and real purpose in life!

No Tears In Heaven Hymn Video and Lyrics

Below is a video of Skeeter Davis singing this beautiful hymn that gives hope to all of us on this earth.

YouTube video
Skeeter Davis – No Tears in Heaven

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