O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright Lyrics, Story, and Video

O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright Lyrics

1 O Splendor of God’s glory bright,
from light eternal bringing light,
O Light, of light the fountain-spring,
O Day, all days illumining:

2 Come, very Sun of truth and love,
pour down your radiance from above,
and shed the Holy Spirit’s ray
on all we think or do today.

3 Teach us to work with all our might,
put Satan’s fierce assaults to flight;
turn all to good that seems most ill,
help us our calling to fulfill.

4 O joyful be the passing day,
our thoughts as pure as morning ray,
our faith like noonday’s glowing height,
our souls undimmed by shades of night.

5 All praise to God the Father be,
all praise to Christ eternally,
whom with the Spirit we adore
forever and forevermore.

O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright Hymn Story

“O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright” is a hymn that was written by St Ambrose.

St Ambrose was one of the most famous Latin church fathers. He is mostly known for his struggle against the Arian heresy.

Arian heresy was a Christian teaching in the fourth century that came from Alexandrian Arius. The teaching stated that Christ was more than man but less than God.

St Ambrose took the current church position that Christ is both fully man and full God. Besides these debates St Ambrose also worked to change church music and composed several hymns.

St. Ambrose was born in German in 340 AD and was trained as a lawyer. He emigrated to Italy where he worked as a consul in Northern Italy.

Even though he was not trained in theology and not ordained or baptized he became the bishop of Milan due to popular demand.

The previous bishop who had just passed away believed in the Arian heresy which is the reason the people wanted this defender of accepted position on the divinity of Christ to take over.

St Ambrose is the one who converted the famous Augustine another prominent church father of that time.

The translate of this hymn to English is Louis F. Benson. Louis Benson, an ordained clergyman of the Presbyterian Church in the USA was born on 22 July 1855.

Besides having studied theology he was also a trained lawyer. He edited various hymnals for the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in USA.

Louis F Benson - O Splendor of God's Glory Bright hymn writer
Louis F Benson

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O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright Hymn Video

YouTube video
O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright (Puer nobis nascitur)

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