Blessed Quietness Lyrics
1 Joys are flowing like a river
since the Comforter has come,
who abides with us forever,
makes the trusting heart a home.
Blessed quietness, holy quietness
what assurance in my soul!
On the stormy sea speaking peace to me
how the billows cease to roll!
2 Like the rain that falls from heaven,
like the sunlight from the sky,
so the Holy Ghost is given,
coming on us from on high. [Refrain]
3 See, a fruitful field is growing,
blessed fruit of righteousness,
and the streams of life are flowing
in the lonely wilderness. [Refrain]
4 What a wonderful salvation,
where we always see God’s face!
What a perfect habitation,
what a quiet resting place! [Refrain]
Blessed Quietness Hymn Story
“Blessed Quietness” is a Christian hymn that was composed by Manie Payne Ferguson. It was first published in 1897.
Besides “Blessed Quietness”, Manie Ferguson wrote many other poems and hymns including, “That Man of Calvary” and “Christ in the Storm”
Below are more hymns’ lyrics and stories:
Tidings Of Comfort and Joy (God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen)
Wonderful Merciful Savior Lyrics