Footsteps of Jesus Lyrics
1 Sweetly, Lord, have we heard Thee calling,
“Come, follow Me!”
And we see where Thy footprints falling,
lead us to Thee.
Footprints of Jesus that make the pathway glow;
we will follow the steps of Jesus where’er they go.
2 Though they lead o’er the cold dark mountains,
seeking His sheep,
or along by Siloam’s fountains,
helping the weak. [Refrain]
3 If they lead through the temple holy,
preaching the Word,
or in homes of the poor and lowly,
serving the Lord. [Refrain]
4 Then at last, when on high He sees us,
our journey done,
we will rest where the steps of Jesus
end at His throne. [Refrain]
Footsteps of Jesus Hymn Story
“Footsteps of Jesus” is a Christian hymn that was composed by American hymn writer, Mary Bridges Canady Slade. It was first published in 1871.
Slade was born in 1826 in Massachusetts. She was a teacher, poet, and pastor’s wife.
During her time on earth, she composed several hymns and was also involved in training teachers.
Another notable thing is her involvement with her husband in helping slaves find their freedom during the days of slavery in America.
She was really a remarkable woman!
“Footsteps of Jesus” is a hymn that discusses one of the most important messages Jesus Christ came to spread.
It was a message calling on people to follow him as Lord and savior.
That is the same mission that the Lord has left in our hands.
We are called upon to follow in his footsteps and spread the gospel to all manner of people.

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