He Is Lord Lyrics, Story, and Video

He Is Lord Lyrics

He is Lord, He is Lord!
He is risen from the dead and he is Lord!
Ev’ry knee shall bow, ev’ry tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord.

He Is Lord Hymn Story

“He Is Lord” is an Easter hymn that was written by Steve Vest. It was first published in 1969.

Below is a quotation from the author on he came to write this beautiful hymn:

“I wrote the lyrics and tune of “He is Lord” in the spring of 1969. I was very active among the Jesus People. My original song only has two verses. Too many verses take away from the flow of the melody. It was written like a slow-motion roller coaster ride. The first verse is similar to your text. It starts with “For He is Lord,” instead of “He is Lord.”The second verse is:

You’re My Lord, You’re My Lord
You have risen from the dead, and You’re my Lord.
With my knee, I will bow, and with my tongue, confess
That Jesus, You’re My Lord.

I was the only composer of this song of 2 verses in 1969. I played it from Jacksonville, FL to Charleston, SC in numerous prayer meetings and revivals, and at the Cotton Bowl Explo ’72 with Billy Graham and Campus Crusade for Christ. I also played it in Tallahassee, FL for Arthur Blessitt”.

Below are more hymns’ lyrics and stories:

Hear Our Prayer, O Lord Lyrics

Good Christian Friends Rejoice

My Lord What a Morning Lyrics

There Is Joy in the Lord Lyrics

Lost Forever Lyrics

He Is Lord Hymn Video

YouTube video
He Is Lord, He Is Lord! He Is Risen From The Dead 🎵 The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

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