I’ve Found a Friend Lyrics, Story, and Video

I’ve Found a Friend Lyrics

1 I’ve found a Friend, O such a Friend!
He loved me ere I knew Him;
He drew me with the cords of love,
And thus He bound me to Him;
And round my heart still closely twine
Those ties which naught can sever,
For I am His, and He is mine,
Forever and forever.

2 I’ve found a Friend, O such a Friend!
He bled, He died to save me;
And not alone the gift of life,
But His own self He gave me.
Naught that I have mine own I call,
I’ll hold it for the giver;
My heart, my strength, my life, my all
Are His, and His forever.

3 I’ve found a Friend, O such a Friend!
So kind and true and tender,
So wise a counsellor and guide,
So mighty a defender!
From Him who loves me now so well,
What power my soul shall sever?
Shall life or death, shall earth or hell?
No! I am His forever.

I’ve Found a Friend Hymn Story

“I’ve Found a Friend” is a hymn that was written in 1866 by James G. Small.

There is a story from George C Stebbins that I found recently regarding this song that I want to share below:

“An incident regarding “I’ve Found a Friend” is related by Mr. Sankey also. ““We were holding a prayer meeting in a lodging house,” says a minister of Nottinghamshire, England, “when a young man came into the meeting in a fun-seeking manner. We sang, prayed, and read out of God’s Word, and then the young man asked if we would sing a hymn for him. He chose ‘I’ve Found a Friend.’ When we had sung one verse he began to shed tears, and I am glad to say that he gave his heart to God through the singing of that beautiful hymn. The next morning he left the place, but before leaving he wrote me a letter, of which I give these extracts.

“T asked you to sing that hymn, because it was the favorite of my sister, who is waiting for me at the gates of heaven. I have now promised to meet her there. Try to always think of me when you sing that hymn.’”

Below are more hymns’ lyrics and stories:

Just Over in the Glory Land Lyrics, Story, and Video

This World Is Not My Home Lyrics, Story, and Video

We Thank Thee Lyrics, Story, and Video

I’d Rather Have Jesus Lyrics, Story, and Video

Beulah Land Lyrics, Story, and Video

I’ve Found a Friend Hymn Video

YouTube video
I’ve Found a Friend, O Such a Friend! – Congregational singing Metropolitan Tabernacle, London

I’ve Found a Friend

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