Let Him In Lyrics, Story, and Video

Let Him In Lyrics

1 There’s a Stranger at the door,
Let Him in;
He has been there oft before,
Let Him in;
Let Him in, ere He is gone,
Let Him in, the Holy One,
Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son,
Let Him in.

2 Open now to Him your heart,
Let Him in;
If you wait He will depart,
Let Him in;
Let Him in, He is your Friend;
He your soul will sure defend,
He will keep you to the end,
Let Him in.

3 Hear you now His loving voice?
Let Him in;
Now, oh, now make Him your choice,
Let Him in;
He is standing at your door,
Joy to you He will restore,
And His Name you will adore,
Let Him in.

4 Now admit the heav’nly Guest,
Let Him in;
He will make for you a feast,
Let Him in;
He will speak your sins forgiv’n,
And when earth ties all are riv’n,
He will take you home to heav’n,
Let Him in.

Let Him In Hymn Story

“Let Him In” is a hymn that was written by J. B. Atchinson. Atchinson provided the words, but Edwin Othello Excell is the one who added the tune.

It is one of the most beautiful hymns in terms of the message. I especially like its opening line, “There is a Stranger at the door, Let him. That is the most important message you will ever hear. Can you let Chrit come into your heart today. There will be joy in heaven if you do that.

There is a story about the Excell in George Stebbins book that I need to share with you below:

In the passing of Mr. EK. O. Excell on June 10, 1921, evangelism, as represented by its leaders, singers, writers and publishers of Gospel songs, lost one of its most prominent figures.

No man in the history of modern sacred song possessed the combination of leader, singer, writer and publisher to the degree of success as did Mr. E. O. Excell, or stood higher in the estimation of his contemporaries.

He had a marvelous voice range, extending from low C to G above, and of a quality and power seldom heard. As a leader he was the peer of anyone in the field during the years of his activities.

I met him for the first time in San Francisco in 1889, when he was with Sam Jones conducting a series of meetings.

Of his hymns that have become known around the world, and everywhere loved, may be mentioned the following: “Let Him In,” “God Calling Yet,” “Scatter Sunshine,” “Count Your Blessings, “Since I Have Been Redeemed,” etc.

His father, the Reverend J. J. Excell, was a minister of the German Reformed Church, and a good singer, it is said.

Mr. Excell spent some years at the trade of a mason and brick layer, where it may be assumed he acquired his strong physique, which was a notable characteristic of his personality.

His passion for music led him out of this work at the age of twenty, when he began teaching country singing schools.

He labored with many of the most famous evangelists and for twenty years was associated with the Reverend Sam Jones. His last work was with Gipsy Smith in Louisville, Kentucky—in the midst of which he was obliged to stop his labor and return home.

After more than thirty weeks in Wesley Hospital he answered the call of the Great Reaper, June 10, 1921. He was born in Stark County, Ohio, December 13, 1851.

It is interesting at this point to call attention to the fact that Chicago has been the home, at some period of their lives, of more celebrated writers, singers and leaders of evangelistic song than any other city in the world.

If we should call the roll and they should stand before us, we would see such men as Dr. Root, Dr. Palmer, Dr. Towner, P. P. Bliss, Ira D. Sankey, E. O. Excell, T. M. Towne, Charles M. Alexander and others, each of whom has left his mark on his day and generation that the passing of years will not erase.”

Edward Othello Excell -  Let Him In hymn writer
Edward Othello Excell

Below are more hymns’ lyrics and stories:

If You Cannot on the Ocean Lyrics, Story, and Video

Home of the Soul Lyrics, Story, and Video

Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet Lyrics, Story, and Video

Throw Out the Lifeline Lyrics, Story, and Video

Evening Prayer Lyrics, Story, and Video

Let Him In Hymn Video

YouTube video
Let Him In (There’s A Stranger At the Door) video

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