Hand In Hand with Jesus Lyrics
1 Once from my poor sin-sick soul
Christ did every burden roll,
Now I walk redeemed and whole,
Hand in hand with Jesus.
Hand in hand we walk each day,
Hand in hand along the way;
Walking thus I cannot stray,
Hand in hand with Jesus.
2 In my night of dark despair,
Jesus heard and answered prayer,
Now I’m walking free as air,
Hand in hand with Jesus. [Chorus]
3 From the strait and narrow way,
Praise the Lord, I cannot stray,
For I’m walking ev’ry day,
Hand in hand with Jesus. [Chorus]
4 When the stars are backward rolled,
And His Home I shall behold,
I will walk those streets of gold,
Hand in hand with Jesus. [Chorus]
Hand In Hand with Jesus Hymn Story
“Hand in Hand with Jesus” is a Christian hymn that was written by Johnson Oatman.

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