From the Eastern Mountains Lyrics, Story, and Video

From the Eastern Mountains Lyrics

1 From the eastern mountains
pressing on they come,
wise men in their wisdom,
to his humble home;
stirred by deep devotion,
hasting from afar,
ever journeying onward,
guided by a star.

2 There their Lord and Saviour
meek and lowly lay,
wondrous light that led them
onward on their way,
ever now to lighten
nations from afar,
as they journey homeward
by that guiding star.

3 Thou who in a manger
once hast lowly lain,
who dost now in glory
o’er all kingdoms reign,
gather in the peoples,
who in lands afar
ne’er have seen the brightness
of thy guiding star.

4 Onward through the darkness
of the lonely night,
shining still before them
with thy kindly light,
guide them, Jew and Gentile,
homeward from afar,
young and old together,
by thy guiding star.

5 Until every nation,
whether bond or free,
‘neath thy star-lit banner,
Jesus, follow thee
o’er the distant mountains
to that heavenly home,
where nor sin nor sorrow
evermore shall come.

From the Eastern Mountains Hymn Story

“From the Eastern Mountains” is a Christian hymn that was written by Godfrey Thring. He was born in 1823 in England and passed away in 1903. Thring was an ordained Church of England minister of the gospel and hymn writer.

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From the Eastern Mountains Hymn Video

YouTube video
360 SDA Hymn – From The Eastern Mountains (Singing w/ Lyrics)