Hail Co-essential Three Lyrics
Hail, co-essential Three,
In mystic unity!
Father, Son, and Spirit, hail!
God by Heaven and earth adored,
God incomprehensible;
One supreme, almighty Lord,
One supreme, almighty Lord.
Thou sittest on the throne,
Plurality in one;
Saints behold Thine open face,
Bright, insufferably bright;
Angels tremble as they gaze,
Sink into a sea of light,
Sink into a sea of light.
Ah! when shall we increase
Their heavenly ecstasies?
Chant, like them, the Lord Most High,
Fall like them who dare not move;
“Holy, holy, holy,” cry,
Breathe the praise of silent love?
Breathe the praise of silent love?
Come, Father, in the Son
And in the Spirit down;
Glorious triune majesty,
God through endless ages blest,
Make us meet Thy face to see,
Then receive us to Thy breast;
Then receive us to Thy breast.
Hail Co-essential Three Hymn Story
“Hail Co-essential Three” is a Christian hymn that was written by the famous Methodist founder, Charles Wesley. The music was added by Richard Boggett. It was first published in Charles Wesley’s Hymns on the Trinity in 1767.

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Hail Co-essential Three Hymn Video