Thy Hand, O God, Has Guided Lyrics
1 Your hand, O God, has guided
your flock from age to age;
your faithfulness is written
on history’s open page.
Our fathers owned your goodness,
and we their deeds record;
and both to this bear witness:
one church, one faith, one Lord!
2 Your heralds brought the gospel
to greatest and the least;
they summoned men and women
to share the great King’s feast.
And this was all their teaching
in ev’ry deed and word,
to all alike proclaiming:
one church, one faith, one Lord!
3 Your mercy will not fail us
nor leave your work undone;
with your right hand to help us
the vict’ry shall be won.
And then by earth and heaven
your name shall be adored;
and this shall be our anthem:
one church, one faith, one Lord!
Thy Hand, O God, Has Guided Hymn Story
“Thy Hand, O God, Has Guided” is a Christian hymn that was composed by Edward H. Plumptre. It was first published in 1864.
Edward H Plumptre was born on 6th August 1821 in London, England. He was a biblical scholar and an ordained minister of the gospel in the Church of England.
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