Like As a Father Lyrics, Story, and Video

Like As a Father Lyrics

1 Like as a father, pities his child,
So the Lord pities the sinner defiled;
Waiteth in kindness,
Pities our blindness,
Longeth to welcome, tho’ often reviled.

2 Like as a father when we believe,
Merciful Saviour, He waits to receive;
Listens to hear us,
Blesses to cheer us,
Pities whenever His Spirit we grieve.

3 Like as a father, ever the same,
He that created, and knoweth our frame;
Watcheth the straying,
Guardeth the praying,
Bids us to trust in His Almighty name.

4 Like as a father, constant is He,
God is our passion regardeth our plea;
In need He cometh,
Precious His promise;
Father in heaven for ever to be.

Like As a Father Hymn Story

“Like as a father” is a Christian hymn that was composed by Franklin E Belden. Franklin E Belden was an American hymn writer who was born in Michigan. He was the nephew of Ellen G White, one of the pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

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Like As a Father Hymn Video

YouTube video
Like As A Father #66 – The Church Hymnal