O My Soul, Bless God the Father Lyrics, Story, and Video

O My Soul, Bless God the Father Lyrics

1 O my soul, bless your Redeemer;
all within me bless God’s Name;
bless the Savior, and forget not
all God’s mercies to proclaim.

2 God forgives all your transgressions,
all diseases gently heals;
God redeems you from destruction,
and with you so kindly deals.

3 Far as east from west is distant,
God has put away our sin;
like the pity of a father
has the Lord’s compassion been.

4 As it was without beginning,
so it lasts without an end;
to their children’s children ever
shall God’s righteousness extend.

5 Unto such as keep God’s cov’nant
and are steadfast in God’s way;
unto those who still remember
the commandments and obey.

6 Bless your Maker, all you creatures,
ever under God’s control,
all throughout God’s vast dominion;
bless the LORD of all, my soul!

O My Soul, Bless God the Father Hymn Story

“O My Soul, Bless God the Father” is a Christian hymn that is based on the book of Psalms and was adapted into a song by Henry John Gauntlett. Gauntlett was born in 1805 and passed away in 1876. The tune used is called “Stuttgart” by Christian Friedrich Witt.

 Henry John Gauntlett-O My Soul, Bless God the Father
Henry John Gauntlett

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O My Soul, Bless God the Father Hymn Video

YouTube video
O My Soul, Bless God, the Father (Stuttgart) Text from: United Presbyterian Book of Psalms 1871 Tune: Stuttgart from: Psalmodia Sacra 1715 Source: Methodist 1939 Hymnal #80