A Soul Winner for Jesus Lyrics, Story, and Video

A Soul Winner for Jesus Lyrics

1 I want to be a soul winner
For Jesus ev’ry day;
He does so much for me;
I want to aid the lost sinner
To leave his erring way,
And be from bondage free.

A soul winner for Jesus,
A soul winner for Jesus,
O let me be each day;
A soul winner for Jesus,
A soul winner for Jesus,
He’s done so much for me.

2 I want to be a soul winner
And bring the lost to Christ,
That they His grace may know;
I want to live for Christ ever,
And do His blessed will,
Because He loves me so. [Refrain]

3 I want to be a soul winner
Till Jesus calls for me,
To lay my burdens down,
I want to hear Him say, Servant,
“You’ve gathered many sheaves,
Receive a starry crown.” [Refrain]

A Soul Winner for Jesus Hymn Story

“A Soul Winner for Jesus” is a Christian hymn that was written by James W Ferrill. Ferrill was born on 31st October 1879 in Texas. He passed away on 13th May 1975.

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A Soul Winner for Jesus Hymn Video

YouTube video
A Soul Winner For Jesus – Prairieland Gospel ( Lyric Video )