Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow Lyrics
1 Blow ye the trumpet, blow!
The gladly solemn sound
let all the nations know,
to earth’s remotest bound:
The year of jubilee is come;
return, ye ransomed sinners, home;
return, ye ransomed sinners, home.
2 Jesus, our great High Priest,
has full atonement made;
ye weary spirits, rest;
ye mournful souls, be glad: [Refrain]
3 Extol the Lamb of God,
the sacrificial Lamb;
redemption thro’ his blood
throughout the world proclaim: [Refrain]
4 Ye slaves of sin and hell,
your liberty receive;
and safe in Jesus dwell,
and blest in Jesus live: [Refrain]
5 Ye who have sold for naught
your heritage above,
receive it back unbought,
the gift of Jesus’ love: [Refrain]
6 The gospel trumpet hear,
the news of heav’nly grace;
and, saved from earth, appear
before your Savior’s face: [Refrain]
Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow Hymn Story
The prolific hymn writer, Charles Wesley, is the author of this hymn, “Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow”.

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