I Never Will Cease to Praise Him Lyrics
1 For all the Lord has done for me,
I never will cease to praise Him;
And for His grace so rich and free,
I never will cease to praise Him.
I never will cease to praise Him,
my Saviour, my Saviour;
I never will cease to praise Him,
He’s done so much for me.
2 He gives me strength for ev’ry day,
I never will cease to praise Him;
He leads and guides me all the way,
I never will cease to praise Him. [Chorus]
3 Although the world His love neglect,
I never will cease to praise Him;
I could not such a friend reject,
I never will cease to praise Him. [Chorus]
4 He saves me ev’ry day and hour,
I never will cease to praise Him;
Just now I feel His cleansing pow’r,
I never will cease to praise Him. [Chorus]
5 While on my journey here below,
I never will cease to praise Him;
And when to that bright world I go,
I never will cease to praise Him. [Chorus]
I Never Will Cease to Praise Him Hymn Story
Charles Hutchinson Gabriel is the author of ” I Never Will Cease to Praise Him”.

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