Sometime, Somewhere Lyrics, Story, and Video

Sometime, Somewhere Lyrics

Sometime, somewhere, yes, some sweet day,
Where sin and sorrow have passed away,
With joy in our hearts, and songs on our tongues,
We’ll rest in our Savior some sweet day.

Sometime, somewhere, yes, some glad morn,
Where cloud nor mist bedim the fair dawn,
There light from the throne, the light of God’s Son,
Shall fall on our faces some sweet day.

Sometime, somewhere, yes, some glad day,
We’ll join the blood-washed, blissful as they,
To sing the new song and praise the dear name,
Of our blest Redeemer, some sweet day.

Sometime, Somewhere Hymn Story

“Sometime, Somewhere” is a Christian hymn that was written by Eph­ra­im T. Hil­de­brand. It was first published in New Century Carols by United Brethren Publishing House in 1899.

Ephraim T Hildebrand - Sometime Somewhere hymn writer
Ephraim T Hildebrand

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Sometime, Somewhere Hymn Video