O God My Powers Are Thine Lyrics
O God, my powers are Thine;
So may my service be;
Grant me the grace of love divine
To serve Thee steadfastly.
Thy sovereign right I own,
I seek Thy will and way;
All Thy commands to me make known,
That I may all obey.
Immortal souls to guard
Assist me by Thy grace;
That I present each one, O Lord,
Perfect before Thy face.
Thy holy Word my task
To love and teach and live,
That to inquiring souls that ask,
Thy answer I may give.
Here, Lord, I humbly bring
Both self and class to Thee;
Accept the offering, O my King,
And keep eternally.
For more lyrics and stories of old hymns visit here.
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The History of O God My Powers Are Thine Hymn
The Rev. Frederick Watson Hannan, was professor of pastoral theology in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, New Jersey, was for eight years the pastor of the Bushwick Avenue Central Methodist Episcopal Church, Brooklyn, New York City, which had a Sunday school of over thirty-three hundred enrolled members.
Each fall during Dr. Hannan s pastorate there it was the custom to observe Sunday School Day as a Rally Day when special exercises were held not only in the school but also in the morning congregational service.
A sermon was preached especially to the teachers, and service of responsive readings was prepared, in which the pastor and teachers took part.
After the sermon, a consecration service for the teachers was held, and for this service, Dr. Hannan always wrote a hymn, which was sung by the teachers as they stood around the altar. The whole service was very impressive.
The hymn, “O God, my powers are Thine,” was the consecration hymn used on September 24, 1905, and was especially written for that occasion.
In the Hymnal it is printed almost exactly as it was in the weekly church calendar of that date.
Now this hymn is being used every year in similar consecration services for Sunday school teachers, for it breathes in song the highest ideals of self-surrender to God, which is the first condition for effective service in the work of all truly devoted Sunday school teachers.