Look For The Waymarks Hymn Story and Lyrics – Franklin Edson Belden

Look For The Waymarks Hymn Lyrics

FE Belden

Look for the waymarks as you journey on,
Look for the waymarks, passing one by one;
Down through the ages, past the kingdoms four
Where are we standing? Look the waymarks o’er.

Look for the waymarks, the great prophetic waymarks,
Down through the ages, pass the kingdoms four,
Look for the waymarks, the great prophetic waymarks;
The journey’s almost o’er.

First, the Assyrian kingdom ruled the world,
Then Medo Persia’s banners were unfurled;
And after Greece held universal sway,
Rome seized the scepter Where are we today

Down in the feet of iron and of clay,
Weak and divided soon to pass away;
What will the next great, glorious drama be?
Christ and His coming, And eternity.

For links to more lyrics and stories of old hymns click old hymns history and lyrics.

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Look For The Waymarks Hymn Story

This is another hymn from the pen of Franklin E Belden. He wrote this in 1886. It is hymn no. 596 in the SDA church hymnal.

It is based on the prophecy of Daniel chapter 2.

In this chapter, the bible says that King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had a dream in which he saw a giant statue made up of four metals, gold, silver, bronze, and iron.

Unfortunately, the king forgot the dream and demanded that his wise men tell him what he dreamed.

The wise men could not tell him his dream until God revealed it to Daniel in a vision.

According to the bible, the image represented rise and fall of empires from Babylon to the end of time when Christ, represented by the rock that hit the feet of the image and destroyed it, comes again.

The song encourages us to look for waymarks as shown in this dream and understand that we are living in the last days of earth’s history.

“For prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Peter 1:21.

Franklin E Belden wrote many other hymns such as The Judgment Has Set, We Will Build On The Rock, etc.

FE Belden - Look for the waymarks hymn write
FE Belden

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