We’ll Soon Be Done with Troubles and Trials Hymn Story and Lyrics

We’ll Soon Be Done with Troubles and Trials Lyrics

Some of these days I’m going home
Where no sorrows ever come,
(We’ll soon be done)
We’ll soon be done with troubles and trials;
(Troubles and trials)
Safe from Heartaches, pain and care,
We shall all that glory share,
(And I’m gonna)
Sit down beside my Jesus,
(Lord, I’m gonna)
Sit down and rest a little while.

(We’ll soon be done)
We’ll soon be done with troubles and trials,
(Troubles and trials. In that home)
Yes, in that home on the other side,
(On the other side, and I’m gonna)
Shake glad hands with the elders,
(Lord, and)
Tell my kindred good morning,
(Then I’m gonna)
Sit down beside my Jesus,
(Lord, I’m)
Gonna sit down and rest a li’l while.

Kindred and friends now wait for me,
Soon their faces I shall see,
(We’ll soon be done)
We’ll soon be done with troubles and trials;
(Troubles and trials)
‘Tis a home of Life so fair
And we’ll all be gathered there,
(And I’m gonna)
Sit down beside my Jesus,
(Lord, I’m gonna)
Sit down and rest a little while.

I shall behold his blessed face,
I shall feel his matchless grace,
(We’ll soon be done)
We’ll soon be done with troubles and trials;
(Troubles and trials)
O what peace and joy sublime
In that home of love divine,
(And I’m gonna)
Sit down beside my Jesus,
(Lord, I’m gonna)
Sit down and rest a little while.

Gonna sit down and rest a li’l while,
(Gonna sit down and rest a li’l while.)

Below are more links for hymns stories and lyrics:

Jesus Paid It All Hymn Lyrics and Story

Rescue The Perishing Hymn Story and Lyrics

We’ll Soon Be Done with Troubles and Trials Story

We’ll Soon Be Done with Troubles and Trials is a hymn that was written by Cleavant Derricks. It was first published in 1934 in “Pearls of Paradise.”

Cleavant Derricks was born on May 13, 1909, in Chattanooga, Tennessee and passed away in 1977. He served as a pastor and choir director in the Baptist church. He worked in places such as Washington DC, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.

He is reported to have written more than three hundred songs and several songbooks. Some of his most famous songs include, “Just a Little Talk With Jesus“, “When God Dipped His Love In My Heart and When He Blessed My Soul.

Cleavant Derricks - We'll soon be done with troubles and trials hymn

He left behind twin sons, Cleavant Derricks and Clinton Derricks-Carroll. His twin sons are now involved in acting besides their singing career.

Cleavant Derricks Jr. worked with his father on the gospel album, Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Cleavant Derricks Jnr also won a Tony Award for creating the role of James “Thunder” Early in Dreamgirls.

We’ll Soon Be Done with Troubles and Trials Video

Woody Wright, Jeanne Johnson, Ben Speer, Mike Allen – Official Video for “We’ll Soon Be Done with Troubles and Trials (Live)

YouTube video

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