Through All the Changing Scenes of Life

Through All the Changing Scenes of Life Lyrics

1 Through all the changing scenes of life,
in trouble and in joy,
the praises of my God shall still
my heart and tongue employ.
Of his deliv’rance I will boast,
till all that are distressed,
from my example comfort take
and lay their griefs to rest.

2 O magnify the LORD with me,
exalt his holy name;
when in distress to him I called,
he to my rescue came.
The hosts of God encamp around
the dwellings of the just;
deliv’rance he affords to all
who in his promise trust.

3 O taste and see that he is good;
experience will decide
how blest are they, and only they
who in the LORD confide.
Fear him, you saints, and you will then
have nothing else to fear;
make serving him your sole delight,
your wants shall be his care.

Through All the Changing Scenes of Life History

‘Through all the changing scenes of life’ is a hymn written by Nahum Tate(1654-1715) and Nicholas Braddy (1659-1726).

It is a paraphrase of Psalm 34.

Tate and Brady were Irish Protestants whose aim was to rewrite the Psalms in a language that was ‘easy and intelligible’.

It was what was called the new version of metrical psalms.

They wanted to replace the old version with this new version but wanted to do so while keeping ‘strictly to the text’.

How that could be done is another debate to be had another day.

This post’s hymn is the one that has survived nearly three centuries to reach in this age.

As could be expected it attracted a lot of critics that time.

Some people felt that they were tampering with the word of God.

It is said that Brady’s own church were very much opposed to this.

And Tate’s brother had a maid who refused to come to family prayers because of it.

She is quoted as saying, “As long as you sang Jesus Christ’s psalms, I sung along with ye. But now that you sing psalms of your own invention, ye may sing by yourselves!”

Below are more hymns’ stories and lyrics: –

Brethren We Have Met to Worship

At Calvary

‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

O Master Let Me Walk with Thee

Farther Along

Through All the Changing Scenes of Life Video

YouTube video

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