When Through the Torn Sail the Wild Tempest Is Streaming Lyrics
1 When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streaming,
When o’er the dark wave the red lightning is gleaming,
Nor hope lends a ray the poor seaman to cherish,
We fly to our Maker: “Help, Lord, or we perish!”
2 O Jesus, once rocked on the breast of the billow,
Aroused by the shriek of despair from Thy pillow,
Now seated in glory, the mariner cherish,
Who cries in his anguish, “Help, Lord, or we perish!”
3 And O, when the whirlwind of passion is raging,
When sin in our hearts its wild warfare is waging,
Arise in Thy strength, Thy redeemèd to cherish;
Rebuke the destroyer: “Help, Lord, or we perish!”
When Through the Torn Sail the Wild Tempest Is Streaming History
The author of ‘When Through the Torn Sail the Wild Tempest Is Streaming’ is Bishop Heber.
Reginald Heber was born in 1783. He was raised in a very well-to-do family.
And his privilege did not end there as he was also a very bright person intellectually.
It is reported that when he was just seven, he translated a Latin classic into English.
For those of us that have tried to learn a new language we know how difficult it is to learn a new language.
You will have to be exceptionally talented to be able to translate a dead such as Latin at the age of seven.
He went to Oxford University for his university studies.
While there he won two awards for his poetry. Eventually after graduation he joined the ministry and later went up the church hierarchy to become a Bishop.
He later served the church in Calcutta, India as a bishop.
He eventually died from stroke probably because of his tireless work in India.
He wrote many hymns which continue to bless us. Some of his hymns include, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty‘ and ‘From Greenland’s Icy Mountains‘.
Bishop Heber wrote today’s hymn, “To be sung by sailors in stormy weather”.
‘When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streaming’ was written only a short while before the author’s tragic end and was not published until after his death.
Though one of the best of Heber’s hymns, it remains one of the least known.

When Through the Torn Sail the Tempest Is Streaming Hymn Piano
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