Built on the Rock Lyrics, Story, and Video

Built on the Rock Lyrics

1 Built on the Rock the Church shall stand,
Even when steeples are falling;
Crumbled have spires in every land,
Bells still are chiming and calling
Calling the young and old to rest,
Calling the souls of those distressed,
Longing for life everlasting.

2 Not in our temples made with hands
God, the Almighty, is dwelling;
High in the heav’ns His temple stands,
All earthly temples excelling.
Yet He who dwells in heav’n above
Deigns to abide with us in love,
Making our bodies His temple.

3 We are God’s house of living stones,
Built for His own habitation;
He fills our hearts, His humble thrones,
Granting us life and salvation.
Were two or three to seek His face,
He in their midst would show His grace,
Blessings upon them bestowing.

4 Yet in this house, an earthly frame,
Jesus His children is blessing;
Hither we come to praise His name,
Faith in our Savior confessing.
Jesus to us His Spirit sent,
Making with us His covenant,
Granting His children the kingdom.

5 Thro‘ all the passing years, O Lord,
Grant that, when church bells are ringing,
Many may come to hear God’s Word
Where He this promise is bringing:
I know My own, My own know Me:
You, not the world, My face shall see;
My peace I leave with you. Amen.

Built on the Rock Hymn Story

“Built on the Rock” is a hymn that was written in 1854 by Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig. It was originally written in Norwegian. The tune used is called “KIRKEN DEN ER ET GAMMELT HUS”.

In 1909 Carl Døving translated it into English.

The song emphasizes the point of building the church on the rock, the solid rock of Jesus Christ.

It is only when the church is built on the rock of Jesus that it shall stand.

The song reminds me of the parable Jesus gave about two houses, one built on a rock and the other on sand.

When the storms came the one on the sand got washed away while the one built on the rock stood.

The song then moves on to describe the church as God’s house of living stones. And in that house of living stones, Jesus has chosen to dwell. This is based on what the Apostle Peter pointed out in 1 Peter 2:5 –

“You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ”.

N. F. S. Grundtvig - Built on the rock hymn writer
N. F. S. Grundtvig

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Built on the Rock Hymn Video

YouTube video
“Built on the Rock the Church shall stand” – Hymn 347

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