Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley Lyrics, Story, and Video

Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley Lyrics

1 Jesus walked this lonesome valley;
He had to walk it by himself.
Oh, nobody else could walk it for him;
He had to walk it by himself.

2 We must walk this lonesome valley;
We have to walk it by ourselves.
Oh, nobody else can walk it for us;
We have to walk it by ourselves.

3 You must go and stand your trial;
You have to stand it by yourself.
Oh, nobody else can stand it for you;
You have to stand it by yourself.

Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley Hymn Story

“Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley” is an American folk hymn and as is true with most folk hymns no one knows the composer for this song.

In any case folk songs get revised over the years such that the original song could be quite different from the version that we sing now.

It talks of Jesus walking the lonesome valley alone.

The lonesome valley refers to the spiritual journey where we must walk alone and have to face the temptations and trials alone.

No one is going to walk this spiritual journey, this lonesome valley, with us. Not even your parents are going to walk this lonesome valley for you.

You can however call upon the help of the Holy Spirit to guide you, but it will be you making the decisions and not the Holy Spirit.

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Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley Hymn Video

YouTube video
Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley | American Spiritual with Lyrics

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