I Am Not Skilled to Understand Lyrics
1 I am not skilled to understand
What God hath willed, what God hath planned;
I only know at His right hand
Is One who is my Saviour!
2 I take Him at His word indeed:
“Christ died for sinners,” this I read;
And in my heart I find a need
Of Him to be my Saviour!
3 That He should leave His place on high
And come for sinful man to die,
You count it strange? So once did I,
Before I knew my Saviour!
4 And oh, that He fulfilled may see
The travail of His soul in me,
And with His work contented be,
As I with my dear Saviour!
5 Yes, living, dying, let me bring
My strength, my solace from this Spring;
That He who lives to be my King
Once died to be my Saviour!
I Am Not Skilled to Understand Hymn Story
“I Am Not Skilled to Understand” is a Christian hymn that was written by Dora Greenwell. It was published in 1873.

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