I’ve Been Redeemed Lyrics
1 I’ve been redeemed (I’ve been redeemed)
by the blood of the Lamb. (by the blood of the Lamb.)
I’ve been redeemed (I’ve been redeemed)
by the blood of the Lamb,
I’ve been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb,
saved and sanctified I am.
All my sins are washed away,
I’ve been redeemed.
2 I’ve been redeemed (I’ve been redeemed)
by the blood of the Lamb. (by the blood of the Lamb.)
I’ve been redeemed (I’ve been redeemed)
by the blood of the Lamb,
I’ve been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb,
filled with the Holy Ghost I am.
All my sins are washed away,
I’ve been redeemed.
3 I’ve been redeemed (I’ve been redeemed)
by the blood of the Lamb. (by the blood of the Lamb.)
I’ve been redeemed (I’ve been redeemed)
by the blood of the Lamb,
I’ve been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb,
oh, and I praise God I am.
All my sins are washed away,
I’ve been redeemed.
4 And that’s not all; (and that’s not all)
there’s more besides. (there’s more besides.)
No, that’s not all; (No that’s not all;)
there’s more besides.
No, that’s not all; there’s more besides.
I’ve been to the river,
and I’ve been baptized.
All my sins are washed away,
I’ve been redeemed.
5 He’s coming back (he’s coming back)
to take me home. (to take me home.)
He’s coming back (he’s coming back)
to take me home. (to take me home.)
He’s coming back to take me home.
I’ll shout “Hallelujah” before his throne.
All my sins are washed away;
I’ve been redeemed.
6 It’s by God’s grace (it’s by God’s grace)
that I’ve been saved. (that I’ve been saved.)
It’s by God’s grace (it’s by God’s grace)
that I’ve been saved. (that I’ve been saved.)
It’s by God’s grace that I’ve been saved.
I have no fear on the Judgment Day.
All my sins are washed away;
I’ve been redeemed.
I’ve Been Redeemed Hymn Story
“I’ve Been Redeemed” is a Christian hymn whose authorship is unknown.
It is a song that states one of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity i.e. salvation. We have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb.
There was no other way to save us except through the blood of the lamb of God, Jesus Christ.
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