Flee as a Bird Lyrics, Story, and Video

Flee as a Bird Lyrics

1 Flee as a bird to your mountain,
Thou who art weary of sin;
Go to the clear-flowing fountain,
Where you may wash and be clean;
Fly, for th’avenger is near thee,
Call, and the Saviour will hear thee,
He on His bosom will bear thee;
Oh, thou who art weary of sin,
Oh, thou who art weary of sin.

2 He will protect thee forever,
Wipe every falling tear;
He will forsake thee oh, never,
Sheltered so tenderly there!
Haste, then, the hours are flying,
Spend not the moments in sighing,
Cease from your sorrow and crying,
The Saviour will wipe every tear,
The Saviour will wipe every tear.

3 Oh, ’twill be joy when I see Him!
See Him and hear Him say, come!
Oh, ’twill be joy when I hear Him,
Saying, my child, welcome home!
Now thou art free from thy sorrow,
There thou shalt ne’er trouble borrow,
Night never comes nor tomorrow,
With Jesus forever to dwell,
With Jesus forever to dwell.

Flee as a Bird Hymn Story

“Flee as a Bird” is a Christian hymn that was composed by Mary Dana Shindler. It was first published in 1840.

Mary Dana Shindler - Flee as a Bird hymn writer
Mary Dana Shindler

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Flee as a Bird Hymn Video

YouTube video
Cynthia Clawson – Flee As A Bird

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