I Am Trusting You, Lord Jesus Lyrics
1 I am trusting you, Lord Jesus,
trusting only you;
trusting you for full salvation,
free and true.
2 I am trusting you for pardon;
at your feet I bow,
for your grace and tender mercy
trusting now.
3 I am trusting you for cleansing
in the crimson flood;
trusting you who made me holy
by your blood.
4 I am trusting you to guide me;
you alone shall lead,
every day and hour supplying
all my need.
5 I am trusting you for power;
you can never fail.
Words which you yourself shall give me
must prevail.
6 I am trusting you, Lord Jesus;
never let me fall.
I am trusting you forever
and for all.
I Am Trusting You Lord Jesus Hymn Story
“I am Trusting” is a Christian hymn that was written by Frances Ridley Havergal. Havergal was born on 14th December 1836 in England. She was a child of a Reverend.

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