I’m Going Through Lyrics, Story, and Video

I’m Going Through Lyrics

1 Lord, I have started to walk in the light,
Shining upon me from heaven so bright;
I bade the world and its follies adieu,
I’ve started in Jesus, and I’m going through.

I’m going through, yes, I’m going through;
I’ll pay the price, whatever others do;
I’ll take the way with the Lord’s despised few,
I’m going through, Jesus, I’m going through.

2 Many they are who start in the race;
But with the light they refuse to keep pace;
Others accept it because it is new,
But not very many expect to go through. [Refrain]

3 I’d rather walk with Jesus alone,
And have for a pillow, like Jacob, a stone,
Living each moment with His face in view,
Than shrink from my pathway and fail to go through. [Refrain]

4 O brother, now will you take up the cross?
Give up the world, and count it as dross;
Sell all thou hast, and give to the poor,
Then go through with Jesus and those who endure. [Refrain]

I’m Going Through Hymn Story

“I’m Going Through” is a Christian hymn that was composed by Herbert Buffum. Herbert Buffum was born on 13th November 1879. He started publishing hymns at the age of eighteen.

Herbert Buffum - I'm going through hymn writer
Herbert Buffum

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I’m Going Through Hymn Video

YouTube video
Howard Goodman – I’m Going Through [Live]

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