Kept for Jesus Lyrics, Story, and Video

Kept for Jesus Lyrics

1 Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”
Kept, by the power of God;
Kept, from the world unspotted,
Treading where Jesus trod.

Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”
Lord at Thy feet I fall;
I would be “nothing, nothing, nothing;”
Thou shalt be “all in all.”

2 Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”
Serving as He shall choose;
“Kept” for the Master’s pleasure;
“Kept” for the Master’s use. [Refrain]

3 Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”
Kept from the world apart;
Lowly in mind and spirit,
Gentle and pure in heart. [Refrain]

4 Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”
Oh, to be all His own!
Kept, to be His forever,
Kept to be His alone! [Refrain]

Kept for Jesus Hymn Story

“Kept for Jesus” is a Christian hymn that was written by Edith G Cherry.

Edith G Cherry - Kept for Jesus hymn writer
Edith G Cherry

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Kept for Jesus Hymn Video

YouTube video
Kept for Jesus video

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