Shepherd Of Souls, Refresh and Bless Lyrics
1 Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless
Your chosen pilgrim flock
With manna in the wilderness,
With water from the rock.
2 We would not live by bread alone,
But by your word of grace,
In strength of which we travel on
To our abiding place.
3 Be known to us in breaking bread,
But do not then depart;
Savior, abide with us, and spread
Your table in our heart.
4 Lord, sup with us in love divine;
Your body and your blood,
That living bread, that heav’nly wine,
Be our immortal food.
Shepherd Of Souls, Refresh and Bless Hymn Story
“Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless” is a Christian hymn that was composed by James Montgomery and another unknown person.
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