Side By Side We Stand Lyrics
Side by side we stand
Awaiting god’s command
Worshiping the saving king
Living by his grace
And moving on in faith
Jesus himself will see us thru’
Meet me in heaven
We’ll join hands together
Meet me by the savior’s side
I’ll meet you in heaven
We’ll sing songs together
Brothers and sisters, I’ll be there
Soldiers all are we
To go where Jesus leads
We’ll fight the foe
And we will overcome
Heaven is our goal
To save every soul
Pray that we all will be there.
Meet me in heaven
We’ll join hands together
Meet me by the savior’s side
I’ll meet you in heaven
We’ll sing songs together
Brothers and sisters, I’ll be there
(Praise the lord we all will be there)
Side by Side We Stand Hymn Story
Side by Side is a popular Christian song that was written by was written by Jeff Wood (words and music) and arranged by Paul Johnson.
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