Soldiers of Christ, Arise Lyrics
1 Soldiers of Christ, arise,
and put your armor on,
strong in the strength which God supplies
thro’ his eternal Son.
Strong in the Lord of hosts,
and in his mighty power,
who in the strength of Jesus trusts
is more than conqueror.
2 Stand then in his great might,
with all his strength endued;
but take, to arm you for the fight,
the panoply of God.
Leave no unguarded place,
no weakness of the soul;
take every virtue, every grace,
and fortify the whole.
3 To keep your armor bright,
attend with constant care;
still walking in your Captain’s sight,
and watching unto prayer.
From strength to strength go on;
wrestle and fight and pray;
tread all the powers of darkness down,
and win the well-fought day.
Soldiers of Christ, Arise Hymn Story
“Soldiers of Christ, Arise” is a Christian hymn that was composed by the English hymn writer, Charles Wesley.

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