The Regions Beyond Lyrics
1 To the regions beyond I must go, I must go
Where the story has never been told;
To the millions that never have heard of His love,
I must tell the sweet story of old.
To the regions beyond I must go, I must go,
Till the world, all the world,
His salvation shall know.
2 To the hardest of places He calls me to go,
Never thinking of comfort or ease;
The world may pronounce me a dreamer, a fool,
Enough if the Master I please. (Chorus)
3 Oh, you that are spending your leisure and pow’rs
In those pleasures so foolish and fond;
Awake from your selfishness, folly and sin,
And go to the regions beyond. (Chorus)
4 There are other “lost sheep” that the Master must bring,
And to them must the message be told;
He sends me to gather them out of all lands,
And welcome them back to His fold. (Chorus)
The Regions Beyond Hymn Story
“The Regions Beyond” is a Christian hymn that was composed by Albert B Simpson.

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