Walking In the Light Lyrics
1 I am walking in the light,
And my path is shining bright,
Where there is no more dark night
I now dwell.
This vain world I bid adieu,
And its’ pleasures fade from view,
All things now to me are new,
All is well.
Jesus saves day by day,
Sweetly keeps all the way,
All my burdens He bears,
Ev’ry care;
Soon I’ll lay my armor down,
And at Jesus feet sit down,
And receive a starry crown
Over there.
2 I have glory for a prize
And a crown beyond the skies
When from earth I shall arise,
Pure and white.
I shall then with Jesus reign,
And eternal honor gain,
And be pure from ev’ry stain
In His sight. [Refrain]
3 I have angel food to eat,
And no honey is so sweet,
It is most delicious meat
To the soul.
On His promise I abide,
And my soul is satisfied,
For I feel the crimson tide
O’er me roll. [Refrain]
4 I have garments wro’t with gold,
And their value is untold,
They have neither moth nor mould,
Bless the Lord.
I have jewels rich and rare,
And a mansion bright and fair,
For His will is written there,
In His word. [Refrain]
Walking In The Light Hymn Story
“Walking in the Light” is a Christian hymn that was composed by Jennie Wilson. Jennie Wilson was born in 1857 in USA and passed away in 1913.
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