More Like Jesus Would I Be Lyrics, Story, and Video

More Like Jesus Would I Be Lyrics

1 More like Jesus would I be,
Let my Savior dwell with me;
Fill my soul with peace and love,
Make me gentle as a dove;
More like Jesus, while I go,
Pilgrim in this world below;
Poor in spirit would I be;
Let my Savior dwell in me.

2 If He hears the raven’s cry,
If His ever watchful eye
Marks the sparrows when they fall,
Surely He will hear my call:
He will teach me how to live,
All my sinful thoughts forgive;
Pure in heart I still would be;
Let my Savior dwell in me.

3 More like Jesus when I pray,
More like Jesus day by day;
May I rest me by His side,
Where the tranquil waters glide:
Born of Him, through grace renewed,
By His love my will subdued,
Rich in faith I still would be;
Let my Savior dwell in me.

More Like Jesus Would I Be Hymn Story

“More like Jesus would I be” is a Christian hymn that was written by Fanny Crosby. The music was added by W. Howard Doane.

W. Howard Doane

I would urge you to visit Fanny Crosby Hymns List for more links to posts with more of her songs.

Here are more links for other hymns:

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More Like Jesus Would I Be Hymn Video

YouTube video
More like Jesus would I be [Fanny Crosby] Vocal