Behold, What Wondrous Grace Lyrics, Story, and Video

Behold, What Wondrous Grace Lyrics

1 Behold what wondrous grace
The Father hath bestowed
On sinners of a mortal race,
To call them sons of God!

2 Nor doth it yet appear
How great we must be made;
But when we see our Savior here,
We shall be like our Head.

3 If in my Father’s love
I share a filial part,
Send down thy Spirit, like a dove,
To rest upon my heart.

Behold, What Wondrous Grace Hymn Story

Isaac Watts is the author of this hymn, “Behold, What Wondrous Grace”.

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Behold, What Wondrous Grace Hymn Video

YouTube video
Behold, What Wondrous Grace (State Street)