Bound Upon the Accursed Tree Lyrics, Story, and Video

Bound Upon the Accursed Tree Lyrics

1 Bound upon th’accursed tree,
Faint and bleeding, who is He?
By the eyes so pale and dim,
Streaming blood and writhing limb,
By the flesh with scourges torn,
By the crown of twisted thorn,
By the drooping, death-dewed brow,
Son of Man, ’tis Thou! ’tis Thou!

2 Bound upon th’accursed tree,
Faint and bleeding, who is He?
By the prayer for them that slew,
“Lord, they know not what they do!”
By the promise, ere He died,
To the felon at His side,
Lord, our suppliant knees we bow,
Son of God, ’tis Thou! ’tis Thou!

3 Bound upon th’accursed tree,
Sad and dying, who is He?
By the last and bitter cry
In the final agony,
By the baffled, burning thirst,
By the side so deeply pierced,
Crucified, we know Thee now,
Son of Man, ’tis Thou! ’tis Thou!

4 Bound upon th’accursed tree,
Dread and awful, who is He?
By the spoiled and empty grave,
By the souls He died to save,
By the conquest He hath won,
By the saints before His throne,
By the rainbow round His brow,
Son of God, ’tis Thou! ’tis Thou!

Bound Upon the Accursed Tree Hymn Story

Bound Upon the Accursed Tree is a Christian hymn that was composed by Henry Hart Milman. He was a very gifted person intellectually, having taken a first class in classics at Oxford University.

Henry Hart Milman - Bound upon the accursed tree hymn writer
Henry Hart Milman

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Bound Upon the Accursed Tree Hymn Video

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