Glory to God On High Lyrics
1 Glory to God on high!
Let heaven and earth reply,
‘Praise, praise his name!’
Angels his love adore,
Who all our sorrows bore
and saints cry evermore,
‘Worthy the Lamb!’
2 All those around the throne
cheerfully join in one,
praising his name;
we, who have felt his blood
sealing our peace with God,
sound his dear fame abroad,
‘Worthy the Lamb!’
3 Join, all the ransomed race,
our Lord and God to bless:
praise, praise his name;
in him we will rejoice,
making a cheerful noise,
shouting with heart and voice,
‘Worthy the Lamb!’
4 Though we must we change our place,
yet we will never cease
praising his name;
to him we’ll tribute bring,
hail him our gracious King;
and without ceasing sing,
‘Worthy the Lamb!’
Glory to God On High Hymn Story
Glory to God On High is a Christian hymn that was composed by James Allen. It was first published in 1761.
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