In the Hollow of His Hand Lyrics, Story, and Video

In the Hollow of His Hand Lyrics

1 In the hollow of His hand He will hide me
When doubt and sin draw near,
Though no earthly friend may walk beside me,
I rest secure from fear.

I know whate’er betide me,
His hand will safely guide me,
His love will ever hide me
In the hollow of His hand.

2 In the hollow of His hand He will hide me
When the storm is on the deep,
And I know whatever may betide me,
His vigil He will keep. [Refrain]

3 In the hollow of His hand He will hide me
When the storms of life sweep by,
To the harbor safe He will guide me,
Where His blessèd islands lie. [Refrain]

In the Hollow of His Hand Hymn Story

“In the Hollow of His Hand” is a Christian hymn that was composed by Florence Jones Hadley.

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In the Hollow of His Hand Hymn Video

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