Break Thou the Bread of Life Lyrics
1 Break Thou the Bread of Life,
Dear Lord, to me,
As Thou didst break the loaves
Beside the sea;
Beyond the sacred page
I seek Thee, Lord;
My spirit pants for Thee,
O Living Word.
2 Thou art the Bread of Life,
O Lord, to me,
Thy holy Word the truth
That saveth me;
Give me to eat and live
With Thee above;
Teach me to love Thy truth,
For Thou art Love.
3 Oh, send Thy Spirit, Lord,
Now unto me,
That He may touch my eyes,
And make me see;
Show me the truth concealed
Within Thy Word,
And in Thy Book revealed
I see the Lord.
4 Bless Thou the truth, dear Lord,
To me, to me,
As Thou didst bless the bread
By Galilee;
Then shall all bondage cease,
All fetters fall,
And I shall find my peace,
My All in all.
Break Thou the Bread of Life Hymn Story
“Break Thou the Bread of Life” is a hymn that was written by Mary Artemisia Lathbury in 1877. Lathbury only provided the text. The music was added by William Fiske Sherwin.
This song is usually sung during Holy Communion when we break bread together as Jesus advised us to do in remembrance of his death and resurrection. His body was broken for our sins. Through that death we now have access to his grace and salvation.
Christ calls us to eat this bread i.e. his body. This is something that offended the Pharisees and other religious leaders of his day. But what Christ was really saying by bread of life was the word of God.
When we read the word of God, we are eating this bread of life. We are eating the word of God Incarnate.
God’s word breaks the bondages of sin and frees from the slavery of sin.
Mary A Lathbury was born in Manchester, Ontario County in New York on 10th August 1841.
He was a prolific writer on religious issues in his day writing for Century Magazine.
She is also known for another hymn, “Day Is Dying in the West” which was written at the request of Rev. John H. Vincent in 1880.
Lathbury died on October 20, 1913 in East Orange, New Jersey.

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