O Gladsome Light Lyrics, Story, and Video

O Gladsome Light Lyrics

1 O gladsome Light, O Grace
of God the Father’s face,
the eternal splendor wearing;
celestial, holy, blest,
our Savior Jesus Christ,
joyful in Thine appearing!

2 Now, as day fadeth quite,
we see the evening light,
our wonted hymn outpouring;
Father of might unknown,
Thee, His incarnate Son,
and Holy Ghost adoring.

3 To Thee of right belongs
all praise of holy songs,
O Son of God, Life-giver;
Thee, therefore, O Most High,
the world does glorify
and shall exalt forever.

O Gladsome Light Hymn Story

“O Gladsome Light” is a hymn whose authorship is unknown but is thought to have been written around 200AD. Normally songs without a known author might have gone through various revisions by several people over the years.

The present song in this post is a translation by Robert Seymour Bridges.

Robert Seymour Bridges was born in 1844 in Kent, England. He was one of the greatest poets of his time and was awarded the position of poet laureate in 1913.

He translated several songs from the Genevan psalter.

In 1899, The Yattendon Hymnal was published and out of the one hundred hymns, forty-four were either written or translated by him.

This shows that he was a larger-than-life figure in music and poetry at that time.

Bridges died in 1930 in Berkshire, England.

Robert Seymour Bridges - o gladsome light writer
Robert Seymour Bridges

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O Gladsome Light Hymn Video

YouTube video
O gladsome light video with lyrics

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