Oh Tender and Sweet Was the Master’s Voice Lyrics
Author: Ellen Jane Knight Bradford
Oh, tender and sweet
was the Master’s voice
As He lovingly called to me:
“Come over the line!
It is only a step—
I am waiting, My child, for thee!”
“Over the line!”
Hear the sweet refrain!
Angels are chanting the heavenly strain:
“Over the line!”—
Why should I remain,
With a step between me and Jesus!
“But my sins are many,
my faith is small:”
Lo! the answer came quick and clear:
“Thou needest not trust
in thyself at all;
Step over the line: I am here!”
“Over the line!”
Hear the sweet refrain!
Angels are chanting the heavenly strain:
“Over the line!”—
Why should I remain,
With a step between me and Jesus!
“But my flesh is weak,”
I tearfully said,
“And the way I cannot see;
I fear if I try I may sadly fail,
And thus may dishonour Thee.”
“Over the line!”
Hear the sweet refrain!
Angels are chanting the heavenly strain:
“Over the line!”—
Why should I remain,
With a step between me and Jesus!
Ah, the world is cold,
And I cannot go back;
Press forward I surely must:
I will place my hand
in His wounded palm,
Step over the line, and trust.
“Over the line!”
Hear the sweet refrain!
Angels are chanting the heavenly strain:
“Over the line!”—
I will not remain,
I’ll cross it and go to Jesus!
Oh Tender and Sweet Was the Master’s Voice
Oh tender and sweet was the master’s voice is a hymn that was composed by Ellen Knight Bradford around 1878. She was influenced by a story she read in a newspaper about a young man who gave his life to Christ after attending a Dwight Moody meeting.
This young Yale student attended the meeting iin 1878 and was spoken to by a gentleman who then accompanied him home imploring him to accept Christ that night.
As the young man neared home, he drew a line with his cane on the gravel walk. He said, “Now, I must decide this question tonight. If I cross this line, my life shall be for Christ; If I go round it, it will be for the world.”
For about half an hour he stood on the line at his feet. Then he cried, “O God, help me to decide alright,” and he strode over the line and went to his father’s room to tell him of his decision to accept Christ as his personal savior.
It is the father who narrated this story from the platform of a Dwight L Moody meeting which moved many attendees to tears. Mr E.H. Phelps, a newspaper owner, published this story in the newspapers the following day.
It is from this newspaper article that Ellen Knight Bradford immediately wrote the words of this hymn.
She later sent the hymn to Mr. Phelps who added the music to the words and later gave it to Ira D Sankey who used the song and also had it published.
Below are more hymns’ stories and music: –
Lord of the Harvest Once Again
Our Blest Redeemer Ere He Breathed
Peace Perfect Peace in This Dark World of Sin